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Former German Federal Minister of Defense Rudolf Scharping Visited Senyuan

  In the afternoon of January 11, Rudolf Scharping, former German Federal Minister of Defense and now CEO of RSBK GmbH (Rudolf Scharping Strategie Beratung Kommunikation GmbH), visited Senyuan with Hu Yanxin, officer from the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

  After introducing each milestone of Senyuan’s development process, Mr. Scharping visited our exhibition center and digital workshop. He was really interested in the metal plate flexible processing center. Learned that the high-speed, precise, agile robots, the laser cutting machines are made in Germany, he expressed his willingness to collaborate with Senyuan.

  The Government of Xuchang City is working with the RSBK now. As a Star Enterprise in Xuchang City, Senyuan Group is a very important part of their visit. After the visit, Mr. Scharping was looking for further cooperation with Senyuan in terms of technology and international Strategy consult.

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