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President of Zhengzhou University Liu Jiongtian Visited Senyuan

  On January 11, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and President of Zhengzhou University Liu Jiongtian, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and Dean of the Faculty of Water Resource and Environment Wang Fuming visited Senyuan after attending the opening ceremony of Zhengzhou University Research Institute of Xuchang.  Government officers of Xuchang city and Changge city accompanied. President Chu Jinfu introduced our accomplishment of scientific and technological innovation to the guests.

  In recent years, Senyuan group has been working closely with universities around China to recruit talents and promote technological innovation. Senyuan holds campus recruitment event every year in Zhengzhou University. Graduates from Zhengzhou University are playing an important role in scientific research and management positions.

  Liu Jiongtian and Wang Fuming highly appreciated our human resource strategy and the accomplishment that Senyuan has made, as well as social responsibilities Senyuan has taken. They look forward more and more collaborations with Senyuan in the future.

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